As we grow up, our hair also grows and changes with time and we often find ourselves saying, “oh! My hair was this tall or this thick when I was 10 years old.” So, this indirectly establishes a link to our old memories. Definitely, we all are supposed to be attached to them.
The science, medical facilities and technology has grown rapidly in the past two decades. The idea behind this is to have a comfortable, easy and confident life. Another technique adding on to this idea is: Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) technology.
What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
It is a hair cosmetic treatment that addresses the problem of hair loss or hair thinning among people. It had gained a lot of popularity in the past years and became one of the most used solutions by patients to tackle the issue of hair loss.
Hair loss doesn’t only cause baldness but it leads to various issues like insecurities, low self- confidence and social anxiety.
SMP is a great solution to solve all these issues without going through a procedure of surgery as Scalp Micropigmentation is a non- surgical method. It is also known as hair tattoo, the reason behind being is that the providers deposit dots of pigments in a person’s scalp using numerous thin needles. These dots give the appearance of thicker hair.
The ink used in this technique are cosmetic-grade, permanent inks, that give pigmentation to the scalp. After a technician performs SMP, the treatment can give the illusion of the person having shaved hair or a “buzz cut”, also, the technique being non- surgical, doesn’t require surgery or anaesthesia to perform it.
On What Factors Does Scalp Micropigmentation Longevity Depend?
Though, SMP retains its appearance for years, there are some factors that varies from person-to-person that affects its longevity a lot:
- Skin type- Every individual has his own skin type and texture. So, SMP can appear or last different in different people because of this reason.
- Maintenance practices- The maintenance depends on the after care and type of products he/she uses on his/her scalp.
- Lifestyle- The lifestyle, the environment and the pollution around a person influences the longevity of SMP on a person’s scalp.
What are Some Precautions to Take to Increase the Longevity of SMP Treatment?
No matter how promising or effective a treatment may seem, there are always some precautions that need to be followed to maintain its longevity. Here are some tips:
- Moisturise the scalp regularly and keep it hydrated by using a gentle and hydrating hypoallergenic moisturiser.
- Avoid shampoos that have harsh chemicals in them like sulphates or parabens.
- Sun exposure should be minimal and if possible, wear sunscreen on the scalp with high- spf.
- After shampooing your hair, dry your hair with a towel gently and use the pat drying technique to dry the scalp.
- Avoid exposure to chlorinated water.
- Avoid tight hair accessories or hats.
- Don’t scratch the scalp.
- Avoid going in pools or saunas, as they have chlorinated water.
- Avoid excessively sweating and to do so, limit yourself with heavy exercises or going in hot saunas.
- Wear a hat or scarf when going out in the sun.
- Prevent the scalp from getting exposed to dust, sand and pollution.
What Does Scalp Pigmentation Look Like After 5 Years?
After 5 years it appears a little faded but, still evident. The overall look will be more natural looking as the pigment may soften, blending it with the natural look of the scalp and the hairs still existing.
The matured look of SMP on the scalp will give a more realistic still effective look as the treatment won’t fade away entirely from your scalp.
You can also have scalp micropigmentation touch-ups every few years after the pigment starts to fade away.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who Can Opt for The Scalp Micropigmentation Technique?
For people who are suffering from Alopecia Areata, thinning of hair, hair loss in females due to PCOS, baldness in males due to heredity, chemotherapy related hair loss, etc.
Does Hair Grow After the SMP Treatment?
No, as it is not a hair treatment or surgical treatment, so it doesn’t anyway affect the natural hair growth frequency of a person who is getting the treatment.
Is The Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment Worth Trying?
Most of the people who get the treatment observe satisfactory results. Also, as the pigmentation lasts for years, it is a highly cost effective method with low risk factors.
Does it Scar After the SMP Treatment?
As it is a non- invasive method, there is no scarring after the treatment.
How Often Should a Person Go for SMP Touch-Ups?
After every 4-5 years,the pigmentation starts to fade away. A person can have touch-ups at that time but after properly consulting with a doctor or the technician who is performing the SMP technique.